Monday, March 3, 2008

Passionate thought of the 3rd of March

Dating advice

1. Don't surprise your date with a hatchet movie, meal, etc. on the first
date. They may be allergic to horror films - and you don't want to 'surprise'
a vegetarian with a dinner at a House of Beef.

2. With a 'surprise' date you could end up with a teetottler at a wine-tasting,
or a lactose-intolerant date at a cheese fest - you get the picture...

3. Be honest, don't play games. Avoid even stretching the truth, the first
time you're caught it will destroy your credibility.

4. Be on time. Lateness is inconsiderate (not to mention it reveals all sorts
of things about your personality such as your passive-aggressive tendencies).
If your date is late, be pleasant, and listen to their reason - it might
be legitimate.

5. Tell yourself you're not nervous, just excited.

6. If your date compliments you don't just brush it off or say something rude
about yourself, say thank you and do NOT put yourself down.

7. If you're concerned about topics of conversation, be sure to read a newspaper
or watch a news program that day so you're up on world events.

8. Find out if he has any good platonic female friends. It's a good sign if
they can relate to women…

9. Keep checking the inside (give the exterior stuff a rest). If you stay
focused on looks you may end up ignoring or dumping a perfectly fantastic
person without ever really giving them a chance.

10. Be open - to your date's ideas about what to do on the date and express
yourself honestly (AND tactfully).

11. Don't manhandle your date and don't rush sex!

12. Keep the first date brief. Leave them wishing for more, not wondering how
to escape.

13. Stay away from someone who only talks about money and 'things' or who boasts
- usually signs of deep-seated insecurity.

14. Don't talk about marriage and kids and long-term plans for the two of you
on your first dates.

15. Be clear about the date, time and place...and be on time! Don't leave things
hanging with "I'll call you later with the details…"

16. Keep topics light and keep away from controversial issues on the first
date. Also, refrain from using off-color language or jokes, or making sexual

17. Try a sporting event neither one of you have ever seen live: a polo match,
professional tennis tournament, golf tournament, volleyball,
- whatever you can agree on doing together that's different.

18. Collect cocktail napkins or other mementos from all the places you have
been together.

19. Help solve a problem by writing a letter to together to fictional love doctor :)

20. Remember, games can be fun. Monopoly, computer games for two, card games,
and end it all with a game of Twister.
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