Saturday, February 23, 2008

Passionate thought of the 23rd of February

Make Your Partner Feel Romantic

Romantic Ingredients

* Candles (Candlelight)
* Flowers/Roses
* Champagne/Wine
* Wearing Sexy Clothes
* Love Letters
* Soft Music
* Poetry
* Satin Sheets
* Perfume/Cologne
* Smell of Fresh Roses

Romantic Settings

* Ocean/Beach
* Rainy Day
* Beach At Night
* Romantic Bubble Bath
* Dancing by Candlelight
* Candlelit Dinner
* Moonlit walks on the beach.
* Picnic Dinner.
* Express your love without holding back!

Romantic Acts

* Give your love a surprise.
* Do something to make your partner feel special.
* Walking in the mountains at sunset.
* Say I love you.
* Kiss your love.
* Give your love a backrub.
* Just being with your love.
* Take a bath together.
* Go stargazing.
* Call just to say I love you.
* Pamper your love.
* Hold hands.
* Do something romantic for your love.
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